Eastern River Farm
During the growing season in Maine, we source the majority of our blooms from local farms. As of now, we are currently working with East River Farm in Pittston, Maine. Keep reading to learn more about owner Jennifer Joray….
How did you get started?
We got started when we were both full-time teachers in public schools, and we decided to change our lives to eat healthier, farm-grown foods, be together more as a family, be more involved in the outdoors, and to leave the world a better place for our daughters and future generations.
How long have you been growing?
We were market gardening in Salem, MA, on our teeny lot, but we began this farm business right away without any former farming knowledge. We read a lot, researched what farms do, and learned about different growing methods, and then jumped in by finding the perfect farm for us, which began as a residential property and needed a ton of renovations.
What do they love most and least about farming?
What we love most about farming is that we are in the fresh air all day most of the year and work together on interesting, ever-changing projects with each other. We also love sharing our flowers with our clients! We love least about farming having to guess the colors for the year's weddings ahead.
What advice would you give to other small business owners?
Some good advice for small businesses is to know the costs of everything! Also, everything is more expensive and more time-consuming than you plan for.
Lastly, what is your favorite flower?
It is too difficult to pick a favorite flower. We have had an intimate relationship with every flower since we start each one from seed. It is kind of like choosing a favorite child! Our favorite flowers are those that are strong growers, things that pollinators adore, and have a fragrance or a medicinal purpose. Some of our top favorites are yarrow, sweet peas, foxglove, delphinium, Iceland Poppies, snapdragons, and strawflower. Really, though, we love them all!!!
Visit our Send Flowers page to learn more about the floral arrangements we make using the flowers from Eastern River Farm